Category: New Jersey Appellate Division

State v. Vargas

At a homicide trial, the State called the decedent’s daughter, who heard the defendant tell the decedent, “If you can’t be with me, then you can’t be with anyone.” The

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Township of Manalapan v. Gentile

After a jury trial, the Township of Manalapan appealed a condemnation award. The issue on appeal was whether the trial court erred when it admitted testimony that the condemned property’s

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State v. Armstrong

Police seized incriminating text messages, which the defendant sent to his ex-girlfriend. Defendant moved to suppress the messages, as they were recovered from the ex-girlfriend’s phone without a warrant. The

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AmeriCare Emergency Med. Serv. v. Orange Twp.

After inspecting AmeriCare’s fleet of emergency medical vehicles, the State’s Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) suspended the plaintiff’s license to operate. Before exhausting administrative remedies, AmeriCare

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State v. Marias

The State indicted the defendant on a charge of first-degree money laundering offense, under a theory that the “amount involved” exceeded $500,000. The defendant moved to amend the indictment to a

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State v. Lawrence

Lawrence had been confined to a jail work-release program as a result of his failure to pay child support. When he failed to return to the jail by curfew on

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Gormley v. Gormley

The defendant in a divorce action was determined to be disabled by the Social Security Administration. Relying on Gilligan v. Gilligan, 428 N.J. Super. 69 (Ch. Div. 2012), the Appellate

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C.C. v. J.A.H.

The plaintiff was granted a temporary restraining order and, after a contested hearing, was awarded a final restraining order (FRO). At issue was whether the plaintiff could establish a “dating

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State v. R.K.

#CSL #SocialMedia # 1stAmendment #MegansLaw #StrictScrutiny #Overbroad In what surely is a preview of a New Jersey (maybe even SCOTUS) case, the Appellate Division determined that a provision prohibiting a

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