Author: d.simon

Log Cabin Property, LP v. PA LCB

In the Pennsylvania Commonwealth’s Court’s second case of the week based on MFW Wine Co., LLC v. Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, 231 A.3d 50 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2020) (MFW I), the

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MFW Wine Co. v. Pa. LCB

On May 1, 2020, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court granted peremptory judgment in mandamus and summary declaratory relief in Petitioners’ favor and against the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) because the

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Commonwealth v. Farkas

The Pennsylvania Superior Court affirmed the defendant’s conviction of Medicaid Fraud—Submission of False Information. The defendant received money from Medicaid for caring for her elderly father. But she had other

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Adams v. Mt. Lebanon Operations

The Pennsylvania Superior Court affirmed the order overruling Mt. Lebanon Operations’ preliminary objections requesting a transfer to binding arbitration of wrongful death and survival claims. Mt. Lebanon argued that an arbitration provision was valid

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Commonwealth v. Wolf

The Pennsylvania Superior Court swatted away the defendant’s challenges to his registration obligations under Subchapter H of SORNA, 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 9799.10-9799.42. The defendant claimed that the registration requirements amounted

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Nunez v. Att’y Gen.

The Third Circuit denied review of the Board of Immigration Appeals order that dismissed the petitioner’s appeal from an Immigration Judge’s determination that he is removable and ineligible for cancellation

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Crawford v. Pa.

Two days after the tragedy in Uvalde, in a plurality opinion, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court dismissed a petition for review that challenged Section 6120(a) of the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act.

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United States v. Adams

The Speedy Trial Act requires that a criminal defendant be tried within seventy days of arraignment or indictment or to have all charges dismissed. The defendant here was not tried

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Commonwealth v. Dixon

The Pennsylvania Superior Court affirmed the defendant’s second-degree murder, conspiracy, and robbery convictions. The Court disposed of the defendant’s four claims: 1.) the trial court erred in denying his motion

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