Tag: #StatutoryInterpretation

State Farm Ins. Co. v. Kitko

State Farm Ins. Co. v. Kitko involved a dispute over a decedent’s insurance policy. The decedent’s ex-wife and brother both claimed they were the primary beneficiary. On appeal, the ex-wife

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Sivick v. State Ethics Comm’n

In Sivick v. State Ethics Comm’n, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court addressed the issue of whether the petitioner’s involvement in approving payroll, which included timesheets for the petitioner’s son, violated Subsection

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Commonwealth v. Small

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court in Commonwealth v. Small overruled its prior precedent and tossed the “public record presumption.” Traditionally, a defendant, who filed a PCRA petition, could circumvent the statutory one-year

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Gustafson v. Springfiled

In Gustafson v. Springfield, while he with a gun, one juvenile shot and killed his young friend. The deceased boy’s parents sued the gun manufacturer and alleged that, under the common law

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Commonwealth v. Gurung

In Commonwealth v. Gurung, the Superior Court held that a motorist’s failure to use his turn signal while switching lanes was sufficient evidence to establish probable cause for a traffic

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Nicole B. v. School Dist. of Philadelphia

In Nicole B. v. School Dist. of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission’s equitable tolling provision applied to a minor whose parent failed to satisfy

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A.A. v. Att’y Gen. United States

In A.A. v. Att’y Gen. United States, the 3rd Circuit interpreted the phrase “undesignated terrorist organizations” of the Immigration and Nationality Act to affirm the denial of the petitioner’s asylum.

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Commonwealth v. Nevels

In Commonwealth v. Nevels, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that the statute criminalizing retaliation against a witness applies to retaliation against a witness or victim in either a civil or

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