Category: opinion

In re D.G.J.

This case presented the Pennsylvania Superior Court with a factual scenario of first impression—U.S. citizens sought to adopt their foreign-born nephew, who has been residing with them in the U.S.

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Marsalis v. Pa. Dep’t of Corr.

The Third Circuit affirmed the dismissal of the defendant’s habeas corpus petition. The Court ruled that the defendant “filed his ineffective-assistance claim ten months late. Plus, he failed to assert

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Commonwealth v. Taylor

The lower court convicted the defendant of charges related to the sexual assault of a four-year-old. He raised numerous issues on appeal with the Pennsylvania Superior Court, which denied each

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White v. Pa. Parole Bd.

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court affirmed the Pennsylvania Parole Board (Board) order, determining that the Board relied upon admissible evidence when properly recommitting White as a convicted parole violator (CPV), and

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