Category: New Jersey Appellate Division

In re Young

The New Jersey Appellate Division affirmed the Civil Service Commission’s decision, which dismissed Young’s administrative appeal. Young works as a painter at the Woodbine Developmental Center. He received a Preliminary

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State v. Troisi

Put down your cell phone while driving because the New Jersey Appellate Division affirmed the defendant’s violation of the statute prohibiting the use of hands-free and hand-held wireless communication devices

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State v. Berry

The New Jersey Supreme Court tossed three defendants’ convictions for being leaders of a narcotics trafficking network, commonly referred to as the “kingpin” offense. For one defendant, the Court held

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Sullivan* v. Bd of Rev.

The New Jersey Appellate Division ruled that the petitioner must return more than $5,000 because he was not eligible for the New Jersey unemployment benefits he received through the CARES

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State v. Marolda

The New Jersey Appellate Division dealt with a Post Conviction Relief petition in a very Jersey saga: The defendant had a gambling problem and opened up a series of fake

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State v. Williams

If you are a criminal defense attorney, read this summary. The New Jersey Appellate Division reversed the defendant’s conviction and remanded for a new trial. A jury convicted the defendant

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D.M.C. v. K.H.G.

In this complex divorce matter, the New Jersey Appellate Division reviewed the Chancery Court’s order denying the wife’s motion to vacate her final judgment of divorce, which incorporated a property

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Russi v. City of Newark

A motorist was injured when a tree branch fell on his front windshield while he was driving. The tree was on city land, but the county maintained the road. The

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In re T.I.C.-C.

The New Jersey Appellate Division ordered the lower court to seal the record to protect the appellant from discrimination and violence. A.B.C.-C. is a transgender man who sought to change

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