Author: m.sullivan

Mack v. Yost

In Mack v. Yost, citing the U.S. Supreme Court case of Ziglar v. Abbasi, the Third Circuit declined to extend a Bivens remedy for Mack’s First Amendment retaliation claims, which

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State v. Hedgespeth

The Court of the Appellate Division affirmed the defendant’s conviction for possession of a gun, holding that, though the trial court erred in admitting the defendant’s prior convictions, the error

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Franks v. State Farm

The Superior Court reversed the trial court’s declaratory judgment and held that, because the Franks’ removal of a vehicle from their multi-vehicle insurance changed the stacked amount of underinsured motorist

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Commonwealth v. Greshan

Matt Sullivan wrote the brief, which earned a good result for the client in Commonwealth v. Greshan, where, in an unpublished memorandum, the Superior Court agreed the lower court erred

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Sathanthrasa v. AG USA

The 3rd Circuit held that the Board of Immigration Appeals abused its discretion, because, when it denied the petitioner asylum, the BIA failed to consider the “reasons for the denial”

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Reibenstein v. Barax

The Superior Court reversed the trial court’s order, which granted summary judgment, ruling that the plaintiff was entitled to equitable tolling of the statute of limitations based on an “affirmative

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Commonwealth v. Byrd

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that the recording on the jail phone warning the defendant’s conversation “may be monitored or recorded,” and that he spoke on the phone after the

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Diaz v. Nabiyev

The Superior Court affirmed the trial court’s grant of a PFA, holding that the evidence was sufficient to sustain the trial court’s conclusion by a preponderance of the evidence that Nabiyev

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Commonwealth v. DiStefano

In Commonwealth v. DiStefano, the Superior Court ruled that the trial court abused its discretion in excluding evidence related to causation of the victim’s death.

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