Author: m.sullivan

Romero v. AG USA

In Romero v. AG USA, the petitioner sought review of an Immigration Judge’s (“IJ”) determination that he was not entitled to relief from reinstatement of his prior removal order. The

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DeLade v. Cargan

Delade v. Cargan involved a suit against a state trooper. The 3rd Circuit held that the Fourth Amendment always governs claims of unlawful arrest and pretrial detention when the detention

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Weimer v. Cnty. of Fayette

In Weimer v. Cnty. of Fayette, Weimer, who had served eleven years in prison, filed a civil rights suit after her conviction for murder was vacated with prejudice. The 3rd

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Defense Distributed v. AG NJ

The District Court in NJ stayed the proceedings in Defense Distributed v. AG NJ while the same claims by some of the same plaintiffs were pending in a District Court

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Commonwealth v. Little

In Commonwealth v. Little, the Superior Court held that the defendant’s trial counsel was ineffective for not objecting to the judge’s ruling on an evidentiary issue and, thus, failing to preserve

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In re N.S.

In re N.S. was a family law case in which the Superior Court determined that the evidence was insufficient to transfer custody of a dependent child from the mother. The

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A.A. v. Glicken

In A.A. v. Glicken, the Superior Court held that, because Glicken did not show “good cause,” the trial court did not abuse its discretion in the denial of an uncontested

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Commonwealth v. South

In Commonwealth v. South, the Superior Court interpreted and applied the Drug Overdose Response Immunity Act, holding that the defendant failed to produce evidence showing: (1) that the person who

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Premier Comp Sol. v. UPMC

In Premier Comp Sol. v. UPMC, the 3rd Circuit clarified that, when a party moves to amend or add a party after the deadline in a district court’s scheduling order

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